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Created on: May 7, 2018 at 3:41 PM

On May 9 from 10.45 to 16:30 in BB 5161.0105 we will be hosting the Axioma Mathematics Symposium. We will have four speakers from Leiden and Utrecht who will be talking about different interesting subjects in Mathematics. Click this article for short overview of what you can expect.

Peter Bruin is an assistant professor at Leiden University does research in Geometry and Number Theory. He will give a talk about various aspects of computer calculations and proofs, using examples from the past, present and future.

Roland van der Veen is an assistant professor at Utrecht University and he is specialized in Knot Theory. He will talk about knots and continued fractions like 1/(2+1/(4+1/(1+1/3))).

Our third speaker is Jaap van Oosten, a professor at Leiden University. He is a professor in the field of mathematical logic. His talk will be about the connection between proofs and algorithms and a bit about his own research which is related to Category Theory.

The last talk will be given by Damaris Schindler from Utrecht University. She is an assistant professor in the field of Arithmetic Geometry. Her talk will be about Apollonian circle packings.

A list of talks worth attending! We will provide lunch during the break and drinks afterwards. Joining costs €4 and you can sign up via this form. We hope to see you there!