Nixx-Mas: Joyeux Noël

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December 9, 2015 6:00 PM
Nijenborgh 4


A Christmas-themed Nixx-Bios with a Christmas-themed movie: Joyeux Noël, the movie about Christmas eve in World War I, when the opposing forces weren't foes for one night, to celebrate Christmas. Since this is the Nixx-mas, Nixx-Bios's special Christmas edition, we have arranged some special Christmas extra's! In the break, you'll find Gluhwein free of charge for those that are of appropriate age and christmas cookies for everyone! Furthermore, the canteen will be decorated in a holiday-theme to get into the Christmas spirit. 18:00 Pizza for €4.50 in the canteen, 19:00 Movie in 5111.0022

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