FMF Symposium

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November 30, 2016 9:00 AM


The yearly FMF symposium will take place on the 30th of November! Once again we will have the honour to invite you to a day of lectures and discussions by and with an enormously interesting set of speakers.

Furthermore, at the symposium you will enjoy a lovely free lunch and a couple of free drinks afterwards. All this for only: - Standard: €15,- - FMF member: €10,- - NNV member: €8,50 - FMF & NNV member: €3,50

This year's theme is 'The Winding Paths of Science - The pitfalls and blessings in the search for knowledge'. In science you experience both triumphs and failures, but only rarely everything in your research goes as expected. In this symposium, five interesting speakers will show an exciting, but realistic and complete view of their search for knowledge.

The speakers: - Computer scientist Costas Bekas, manager of the Foundations of Cognitive Computing group at IBM Research in Zürich, Switzerland - Professor Ronald Hanson, researching quantum information technology at QuTech, in Delft - Professor Wilberd van der Kallen, retired mathematician at the university of Utrecht - Professor Giovanna Tinetti, working on galactic planetary science at University College London - Professor of theoretical physics Christian Maes, from the KU Leuven

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