Calendar Archive

February 2015

H-ALV 2/5/15

Kamerborrel 2/5/15

Stop by at the NSFW and enjoy free drinks.

Hendrik de Waard lecture 'How Medicine may elimina 2/4/15

Researcher Aubrey de Grey argues that instead of looking at aging as inevitable, we should look at it as a disease - one that can be cured.

January 2015

Borrel Lecture 1/24/15

Monthly lecture that covers multidisciplinary scientific areas with free drinks and snacks.

NIXX Bios | Guardians of the Galaxy 1/14/15

The Nebula enters the new year with a bang: Guardians of the Galaxy and Subway sandwiches!

Social Drinks 1/13/15

Come join us in the new year at the social drinks

Borrel lecture: Carbon Dating: Connecting Sciences 1/13/15

Monthly lecture that covers multidisciplinary scientific areas with free drinks and snacks.

Running dinner 1/12/15

Come join us at this free event and enjoy international dishes.

December 2014

Karting 12/17/14

Karting for €5!

Wetenschapsquiz 12/17/14

De nationale wetenschapsquiz is er weer. Kom testen hoe slim je bent. Vragen zullen worden behandeld door dr. ir. Gerco Onderwater.