Calendar Archive

January 2021

FMF Movienight 1/5/21

We're watching a movie again! IMPORTANT: Due to Iisakki Rotko being a diva, Big Game is not available. Instead we will watch The Terminal

New Year Online Borrel 1/1/21

We heard you want more borrels. Here you go!

December 2020

Glühwein Borrel 12/23/20

Do you miss that warm feeling inside that only friends and family can give you? We have found a way to bring it back: Glühwein!

FMF top 100 12/21/20

Our own top 100 is coming back for a 2020 edition, presented on discord by Esther and Tesse

Breakfast with Escalacie! 12/20/20

(liquid) Breakfast with Escalacie! Three key-note speakers will join us this morning for an educational and nutrious breakfast.

Christmas Dinner 12/17/20

Ha! You thought there wouldn't be one this year, didn't you? How silly of you.

[CANCELED]Make your own Christmas stocking 12/16/20

Due to current affairs, this activity has been canceled

GMA 12/15/20

The first GMA after the transfer GMA

Online Board Game Night 12/12/20

Come to the PION discord server for some online games on December 12!

LANcie Christmas GMOD activity 12/11/20

Christmas prop hunt and more!