Calendar Archive

April 2021

Escalacie DRINKING City Tour 4/16/21

Hardcore edition.

Belsimpel Smart Working training 4/13/21

Are you too all over the place when you're working? Join the Belsimpel Smart Working training! During the training you will learn all about how to prioritize your tasks and deal with many different stimuli, and find out how Belsimpel has been keeping its business efficient.

Catch-up session Geometry 4/1/21

Access it on the FMF Nestor page!

March 2021

Catch-up session RQM (On-site) 3/31/21

Come join the first on-site Catch-up session!

Catch-up session RQM (Online) 3/30/21

Access it on the FMF Nestor page!

Da Vinci Derivatives Case evening 3/26/21

Da Vinci Derivatives is coming over to show us how they tackle their cases!

Jackbox Night 3/25/21

PION invites you to come play some jackbox (online party games)! The games are easy to pick up and play, all you need is a device with internet access!

Catch-up session Linear Algebra 2 3/25/21

Access it on the FMF Nestor page!

Flag Quiz 3/24/21

Test your flag knowledge!

Spa day 3/22/21

Sometimes you need to treat yourself. And that's why we're organizing an at home spa where you can do some skincare, enjoy a drink and chat with your friends!