May 2018
Meet-Up@ARCNL 5/16/18
Possibility for Master internships and PhD positions! Get to know ARCNL through presentations and lab tours and learn about fundamental research related to EUV lithography
Borrellecture: Air Pollution 5/15/18
Uli Dusek from ESRIG, the Energy and Sustainability Research Institute Groningen, will talk about her research in air pollution. Free drinks afterwards!
Catch-up Session | Analysis 5/14/18
Do you want to catch up on your Analysis? Come to the Catch-up Session!
Jam session 5/11/18
Make music with your favorite FMF-members.
Axioma Mathematics Symposium 5/9/18
On May 9 from 11:00 to ±17:00 we will be hosting the Axioma Mathematics Symposium. We will have four speakers who will be talking about different interesting subjects in Mathematics. We will provide lunch during the break and drinks afterwards. Joining costs €4 and you can sign up via this link (or the sign up form at the FMF). Hope to see you there!
Live Stratego at the KVI-CART 5/8/18
Have a barbecue and play Live Stratego with the staff of the KVI
Kamerborrel?! (Room Drinks) 5/4/18
Come get some free drinks, snacks and a bonus stamp on your May Month Stamp Cart!
Master and Industrial Research Project Symposium 5/4/18
Come to the MIRP symposium, to find out what you can do during the second year of your Master (Applied) Physics!
Beach volleyball with Commotie! 5/3/18
The yearly activity with Commotie, show your skills in beach volleyball!
[cancelled] Brunel Top job Workshop 5/3/18
Find out what drives you in your future job