January 2019
Mario Kart with Cover 1/11/19
Compete in a Mario Kart competition against FMF and Cover members. Win a nice prize!
Catch-Up Session: Statistical Physics 1/10/19
Finding Statistical Physics tricky? Join the Catch-Up session to get an overview of what's important for the exam!
Catch-Up Session: Linear Algebra 1 1/10/19
Finding Linear Algebra 1 tricky? Join the Catch-Up session to get an overview of what's important for the exam!
Bakken vouwen met de Escalacie 1/9/19
Pils heffen als dorstige megalomanen!
December 2018
Christmas Room Drinks 12/21/18
The last room drinks of the year will be Christmas themed!
Do you wanna build a snowman? 12/20/18
Borrel @ Jut&Jul 12/19/18
Escalearning can you learning
Christmas Dinner 12/19/18
The yearly FMF Christmas Diner! Good food and unlimited wine!
Dungeons & Dragons 12/18/18
Are you ready for a spooky D&D session? The event is totally beginner friendly and free! You can eat chinese food with us for only €5. Sign up here: bit.ly/fmfdnd You DON'T need to subscribe through the button below, just the link.
Hitchhiking to Leuven 12/14/18
It's time for the yearly winter hitchhiking competition! Race fellow students to the beautiful city of Leuven, using hitchhiking as your only method of transportation.