March 2016
Mathematics Teacher of the Year 3/24/16
Alef Sterk, Daniel Valesin, and Roel Verstappen are nominated to become Mathematics Teacher of the Year 2014 - 2015. They will each give a talk, after which you can vote and the winner is chosen!
Beta Business Days 3/22/16
The largest annual career event for beta students!
Hendrik de Waard lecture 3/21/16
Mathematician Marcus du Sautoy reveals how symmetry is a fundamental concept both in the arts and the sciences: from the walls of the Alhambra to the Higgs boson, from the music of Bach to deadly viruses
ALE (Active Members Dinner) 3/17/16
Borrel lecture 3/15/16
FMF Bachelor Research Project mini-symposium 3/11/16
Many different research groups shall give some insight in there research and the possibilities for you doing a bachelor research project within their group!
Chixx-Bios || The Theory of Everything 3/9/16
In this month's movie, we're showing the movie "The Theory of Everything" about the life of Stephen Hawking, cosmologist and theoretical physicist.
Photography course 3/8/16
Learn more about photography!
H-ALV 3/1/16
February 2016
Leap year borrel 2/29/16
This Monday will be this year's intercalary day. And to celebrate lets consume some extra barley-based intercalories.