Calendar Archive

February 2017

Borrel lecture: Drug Design 2/7/17

Borrel lecture by Alaa Adawi (Biophysics) about drug design.

January 2017

Kamerborrel 1/20/17

A gezellige borrel in the members' room, as always with free drinks for everyone.

Board Games Evening 1/19/17

The gamecie will start of the new year with an old and trusted activity, the board games evening.

Borrel after Nixx 1/18/17

Nixx bios - 2001: A Space Odyssey 1/18/17

Come for burgers, stay for the amazing movie and get hammered at the borrel! if you are vegetarian, we unfortunately cannot offer you a vegaburger. We can however order a vegetarian pizza for €3,- if you send an email with your name to or if you specify it on the signup paper at the NSFW.

TMC Beerpong Tournament + Borrellecture 1/17/17

Is beerpong one of your (hidden) talents? Battle your fellow FMF-members for the prestigious title of FMF Beerpong Champion!

QuTech and Kavli Institute of Nanoscience Excursio 1/16/17

Are you interested in Quantum Science Research? Does fundamental research into nanoscience spark your interest? On the 16th of Januari, we will visit QuTech, one of the world’s leading Quantum Computing laboratories, and the Kavli Institute of Nanoscience, specialized in subjects ranging from quantum physics to nanobiology.

Kamerborrel 1/13/17

A gezellige borrel in the members' room, as always with free drinks for everyone.

Ice skating 1/12/17

A free ice skating course at GSSV Tjas. Skates can be hired for €3,-.

December 2016

Christmas dinner 12/22/16

The yearly FMF christmas dinner. For €10,58 you we have a three-course dinner and infinite drinks!