December 2021
[CANCELLED] VSI Particle Accelerator Tour 12/20/21
Particles go brrrrr
Ice Skating 12/19/21
It giet oan... (NOTE: This event is NOT free!)
Christmas Brunch! 12/18/21
All I Want for Christmas is Food.
General Members Assembly 12/16/21
The Christmas GMA where we talk about all the FMF related things and decide on very important issues.
YER Training 12/9/21
Join this online training by YER about job interviews and finding an employer that fits you. There will be free pizza!
Stay at Home Kamerborrel 12/3/21
Come and join us at the stay-at-home kamerborrel where we drink together but separately.
November 2021
Educacie Talk - Marcos Guimaraes 11/24/21
So what's up with emergent phenomena in two-dimensions? Dr. Marcos Guimaraes is here to explain!
Origami Night 11/22/21
An analysis on many folds.
[DUTCH] Uitnodiging Expedition Strategy 21-22 11/22/21
Dit jaar is er weer een Expedition Strategy van 22 tot en met 25 november, met vooraf op 18 november een casetraining!
ASML Virtual Career Days 11/22/21
Have a look into what it's like working with ASML!