Calendar Archive

November 2019

Board games evening 11/20/19

We've got board games galore, snacks a-plenty and chinese food for 5€. Sign up!

Lustrum ending party 11/19/19

The time has come to get completely crazy, and to celebrate the end of the Lustrum. The winner of the trinket hunt will also be announced, so be there or be squared.

Expedition Strategy 2019 11/18/19

Expedition Strategy is a free(!!) 4-day all-in excursion throughout the Netherlands going past several companies.

Lustrum Cantus 11/15/19

Sing your favorite classics, while enjoying a drink with all your FMF buds

Lustrum dive 11/14/19

You obviously want to have the party experience of a new year dive, for the new year of the FMF

FMF Room Opening Times 11/9/19

FMF Room will be opened from 9:30 during the Exam Weeks

Room Drinks 11/8/19

Have some free drinks and snacks with your fellow FMF members!

Mensa (Lustrum dinner) 11/5/19

Get hyped for the mensa of the 12th lustrum of the FMF. Very free, much hyped, such dinner

October 2019

LES 10/23/19

"Sloshing: about Waves, Satellites and Monsters" by dr. ir. Roel Luppes.

Kloktoberfest 10/18/19

A man of cultuur drinks his Klok at room temperatuur