Calendar Archive

September 2019

General Members Assembly 9/19/19

Be involved in the behind the scenes policy making of the FMF. Agenda and documents will be available on the FMF website, under my drive.

Chess Tournament 9/16/19

🅱 there or 🅱⏹. Free beer, soda and snacks. If you do well you might win a cool prize😎

Kamerborrel 9/13/19

Enjoy some FREE drinks and snacks with your fellow FMF members!

First Kamerborrel 9/6/19

Join the room drinks with free beer, soda and snacks and enjoy the nice company of the fellow students.

1st year mathematics boardgames evening 9/5/19

Boardgames evening for first year mathematics students. You can order pizza until 16:00 at the FMF room for 5 euro.

August 2019

Pientercamp check-in and luggage drop-off 8/30/19

This is the time Pienter Attendees and supervisors drop off their luggage, we should be easily spotted in front of the reception in NB. Later on the day when the introduction day is over will this also be the place where the groups gather and you will get your 18+ bracelet and shirt

July 2019

Last Room Drinks 7/12/19

The last opportunity to have free drinks in the FMF room.

The Last Boardgames evening 7/3/19

This is the last Boardgames evening that this year's Pion organises for the lovely people of the FMF. This will be an amazing event that will be discussed for eons to come! There will also be Chinese food for up to 5 euros.

General Members Assembly 7/1/19

Be involved in the behind the scences policy making of the FMF. Agenda and documents will be available on the FMF website, under my drive.

June 2019

Kamerborrel 6/28/19

Enjoy some free drinks to celebrate the end of the final exam week