May 2024
Mathematics Coffee afternoon 5/1/24
What's it like to work as a researcher or professor? Or how is life as a PhD? Join our Physics Coffee Afternoon and find out!
April 2024
Bachelor Project Survival Workshop 4/30/24
Learn how to survive and ace your bachelor thesis, from students who have done it before you!
Board Game Night at Baxbier 4/25/24
Mascie presents: Master’s Boardgame night at Baxbier Join us for a boardgame night at Baxbier. The game night starts at 20:00 on Thursday 25.04. at Friesestraatweg 201/2a! Free drinks (beer/wine/soda) for the first 30 sign ups. Some fun games will be provided by us, but feel free to bring any fun card/board games that you have and would like to play :) Sign up link: We look forward to seeing you there, Aaltje, Ashwin, Michaela, Raúl, and Roy
LES with Kanat Camlibel 4/23/24
A dynamical master mind game: online experiment design for system identification
FMF Symposium: Symmetry & Harmony 4/19/24
The yearly FMF Symposium announces its triumphant return! Join us once again at Van der Valk Hoogkerk on April 19th to explore the "Symmetry and Harmony" of our universe!
Beer relay 4/17/24
Ever thought running was boring? Think again!
FSE career day 4/15/24
A day with speakers, cases trainings and workshops to figure out what you can do with after graduation
Practice Session: Functional Analysis 4/3/24
Come for some last-minute preparations for the exam!
Practice Session: Linear Algebra 2 4/2/24
Come for some last-minute preparations for the exam!
March 2024
Board Games Evening with Sirius A 3/26/24
Ready for a stellar Board Games Evening? PION is collaborating with Event Horizon from Sirius A to give you an evening like none other!