Calendar Archive

June 2017

Makercie domotica activity 6/8/17

Create your own power socket control system! Stay seated behind your desk and computer to control the lights, heating or every other electronic device...without getting up and stop gaming or studying

Nixx Bios: Rubber 6/7/17

Join us at 18:00 for pizza in the Nijenborgh canteen for just €3 (subscribe at thr FMF-room)! Followed by the film "Rubber".

VSI Pubquiz & Pizzarace 6/6/17

Join the FMF and the VSI as they organize a pubquiz and pizza race and get to know the VSI! Subscribe my sending a mail to!

Excursion Kiev & Chernobyl Ukraine 6/2/17

This June (2 to 8) the Huygens-committee of the FMF is planning a 7 day long (nuclear) energy themed excursion to Kiev and Chernobyl Ukraine. During the trip several companies, research institutions and universities will be visited. Furthermore, the rich cultural heritage of Kiev will be explored and a visit to the nuclear power plant of Chernobyl and the neighboring ghost town of Pripyat will be conducted. If you would like to sign up for the excursion, please do so via or by sending an email to The registration is open until Monday 13 March, 23:59. An information session will be held in the week after the said deadline. In order to successfully organize the excursion we ask the participants to pay a fee of 200 euros. The participation fee includes travel costs to and from Ukraine, residence and necessities. The payment is split into two parts of 100 euros, the first part is due by Wednesday 15 march, 23:59. If you have any questions please send an email to

May 2017

Axioma Symposium 5/29/17

3 Speakers, 3 Topics, All Mathematics

Salsa Workshop 5/23/17

Always wanted to show your smooth hips to the rest of the world or wanted work on your salsa skills before the summer starts? This May the Meiscie organises a salsa workshop at dance studio Juan Carlos. Join us for a fun evening of dancing!

Membersweekend 5/19/17

The fun weekend organized by the Lecie. Want a weekend full of relaxing, socializing and awesome activities: join the members weekend. With a free drinks party night!!!!

Candidate board announcement borrel 5/17/17

During this borrel the FMF candidate board will be announced

Nixx Bios: Pi 5/17/17

A paranoid mathematician searches for a key number that will unlock the universal patterns found in nature.

FMF Tuesday Lecture: ESRIG 5/16/17

A lecture about the Energy and Environment research and education at the Faculty of Science and Engineering by Huilin Chen.