Calendar Archive

March 2017

LES: Euler's Famous Sum 3/14/17

Rug Professor Alef Sterk is going to be talking about the convergence of the infinite series 1/n^2

Mathematics Alumni Day 3/14/17

Formerly WAS-dag

Pooling with Commotie 3/9/17

The yearly activity with the study association Commotie is pooling this time.

Chess competition 3/8/17

Chess competition in the VIP room. The top 3 gets a nice prize!

Math Carnival 3/7/17

Solve cool problems together with friends at the Math Carnival. Everyone gets free drinks and snacks and you can sign up for €5 Chinese food.

Borrellecture-functional oxide nanostructures 3/7/17

Prof. Beatriz Noheda is the head of the nano-structures of functional oxides group at the Zernike Institute of Advanced Materials. The focus of this group's research is on ferroic materials (ferroelectrics, ferromagnets and multiferroics), as well as nanostructures based on ferroic patterns or other types of self0assembled patterns, such as nanodomains. Their aim is to gain access to the material's nanoscale by manipulating the growth of thin film oxides at the atomic level.

Jam session 3/3/17

A jamming evening for all FMF musicians. Everyone is welcome, and the event is free.

Kamerborrel 3/3/17

A free borrel in the FMF room for all members

Active members dinner 3/2/17

During the active members dinner, all members that are active in committees will be invited for a free dinner at Ni Hao.

Borrel 3/1/17

The monthly FMF borrel. Free drinks at 't Gat, in the centre.