Calendar Archive

March 2017

Board information hour 3/29/17

The board applications for 2016-2017 will open this Wednesday. Interested in becoming the next board? Come to the Board Info Hour to acquire more information on doing a board year.

Borrel lecture: Gradient Meshes and Beyond 3/28/17

Gradient meshes are a 2D vector graphics prmitive where color is interpolated between mesh verties. Their curent implementation in adobe illustrater, coreDRAW and Inkscape have enabled artists to create sunning vector imagery, but these tools remain restricted to rectangular mesh topology and do not allow for local refinement. A new interpolation method releases this restriction by supporting arbitrary mainfold topology of the input gradient mesh. In this talk, dr. Kosinka going to describe the above and other new developments in vector graphics in the scientific visualisation and computer graphics research group of the Johann Bernouilli Institute. He will also show several demos and discuss avenues for further research.

Dungeons & Dragons evening: "A warm farewell" 3/23/17

Have you ever explored your own imagination? Have you ever smacked evil goblins or bartered over magical items? Did you ever wish for the strength of a bull, or the pale sexy long legs of a female druidic wood elf? Anything in possible in the world of Dungeons & Dragons!

Introduxie to bowling 3/22/17

After the success of our last event, we would like to relive the fun we had. This time we will gather for a nice evening of bowling. For those who are interested, we will go out for some drinks afterwards. Hope to see you all there! (First year students only)

Borrel lecture by dr. Palazantzas 3/21/17

George Palazantzas - Casimir forces in MEMS/NEMS

Origami Afternoon 3/20/17

Try your hands on this beautiful Japanese art of paper folding!

Kamerborrel 3/17/17

A free borrel in the FMF room

Excursion Shell 3/16/17

It's still possible to subscribe for the excursion! On March 16, FMF organizes an excursion to Shell's Research and Development facility at Rijswijk. The program consists of a tour of the different research facilities at Shell Rijswijk, for example the Rock and Fluids lab. Furthermore, presentations on career opportunities are given, along with in depth talks about research activities at Shell, such as Geoscience, seismic monitoring and acoustic sensing.

Borrel @ 't Gat 3/15/17

After the nixx bios there will be a borrel at cafe 't Gat. There will be free drinks.

Nixx Bios: The Usual Suspects 3/15/17

For this month's Nixx bios we will show The Usual Suspects, with free drinks for everyone! At around 18:00 we will provide burgers with fries and afterwards a borrel will be organized. We hope to see you all at the Nixx Bios!