June 2022
Pride Kamerborrel 6/3/22
With the start of June, we celebrate the pride month! This is a perfect occasion for us to have few drinks in the room and get to better know each other.
Board Games Evening 6/1/22
Come play board games with us in the NB canteen on June 1st!
May 2022
FMF Gala 5/31/22
Join us in the long awaited FMF Gala! Sign up below:
Football Tournament 5/29/22
Join us in the annual football tournament organised by A-Team! Like to sign up in the description
FMF Barbeque 5/25/22
It's finally here, the annual FMF BBQ open to everyone!
Educacie Talk - Kristof de Bruyn 5/23/22
You zoom out to zoom in, and then everything makes sense. Or does it? The Large Hadron Collider - The world's most powerful microscope
Integration competition - finale 5/20/22
The grand finale to find out who is the Grand Integrator
FMF x Cover Chess Tournament 5/16/22
Join us to compete against Cover folks in the awesome game of chess.
Ledenweekend (Members' Weekend) 5/13/22
Join us on the first members' weekend in 3 years! With food, fun and activities, this is not something you want to miss!
Axioma Symposium 5/13/22
The annual mathematics symposium for all students