Calendar Archive

May 2022

Dungeons & Dragons 5/12/22

Yet another amazing activity by PION - this time it's DnD. (Edit: FOOD SIGN UPS NOW CLOSE AT 6:30 TODAY, you may still sign up for the event until the original closing time, but you will not have food. There shall be no late food submissions! Good day to you.)

Paint It Black 5/7/22

Paint it black, pink or any colour you can think of, but paint!

80's kamerborrel 5/6/22

Go back in time for some good music and crazy hairstyles! And the best part it is - the beer is free!

Integration competition - group stage 5/4/22

Integration bee!

Photohunt 5/3/22

Join us in the city centre and find the most peculiar places the committee has found for you!

Beerpong Tournament 5/2/22

Get your cups and wrists ready for a very 'vo competition with Escalacie

April 2022

LaTeX Workshop 4/25/22

\Teaser This is a teaser. \\

Kamerborrel! 4/22/22

Gratis bier?!?

Hendrik de Waard lecture 4/4/22

For the first time since corona's start, a Hendrik de Waard lecture will be held and this years topic is "Consciousness, a quantum phenomenon?"

March 2022

Open Board Meeting 3/31/22

Are you interested in a board year? Join the Open Board Meeting to see what a board meeting looks like!